
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

M & M Probability

The students learned what probability was with a game of M & M probability.  They worked with a partner and had 12 paper M&M's.  Each student had a number line 2-12.  Students placed their M&M's down on the number line and then rolled a pair of dice.  if their M & M was on that number they had to remove it.  During the second round some students decided they wanted put all M & M's on one number or others played it safe and spread their M & M's throughout the number line!  We had a great time playing:)

Reading is Sun-Sational:)

The students enjoyed Right to Read week!  Some of the highlights were using their beach towels to lay on, dressing up as their favorite character and reading during OTTER time (Our Time To Enjoy Reading). 

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Social Studies

We have been working on map skills in social studies.  The students are learning the difference between their city, state, country, continent and planet.  We are creating a flip book to help us see the difference.

Allison's Last Day

Allison's last day was yesterday.  The students and I will really miss having Allison in our class but there are some lucky kids in Georgia who will have Allison in their class.  All the kids have a picture of Allison and her address if they want to write to her. 

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Learning with a Friend

During phonics class this week, students were able to work with a friend and decide if they wanted to write a story, write a song, or write a comic to use as many "ou" and "ow' words as possible.  Here are their pictures and their final projects:) 

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Ireland Research and Presentation

Ireland Research & Presentation

Would it be any surprise if I said this is one of my favorite projects of the year?:)  I love teaching the students about research and I love anything that we can incorporate my Irish heritage (and many of the students)!  A huge thank you to all the Moms who came to help out with the research.  Miss Cirillo and I could not have done it without you!